Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory

This page presents World-Wide-Web links to the data archives of the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO).

DRAO is an internationally known facility for science and technology research and development related to radio astronomy. Home to NRC astronomers, astrophysicists, engineers and technologists, as well as visiting researchers and students from universities and astronomical observatories around the world, these facilities support the design and development of leading-edge instrumentation for new and existing telescopes. Operating several telescopes on its extensive radio-quiet site near Penticton BC, DRAO also features laboratories and specialized equipment for design and construction of all aspects of radio-frequency instrumentation, from highly sensitive antennas and receiver systems to high speed digital signal processing hardware and software.

DRAO capabilities include:

  • John A. Galt Telescope: a 26-m diameter, prime-focus, equatorially mounted telescope with interchangeable feeds that operate from 0.4 to 2 GHz.
  • Synthesis Telescope: a 7-element array of 9-m telescopes that offers wide-field continuum imaging simultaneously at 408 MHz and 1420 MHz, as well as atomic hydrogen (HI) spectroscopy across 256 channels at 1420 MHz.
  • Solar radio flux monitoring: a fully automated solar weather monitoring facility that provides "space weather" data for many scientific and commercial activities at both industrial organizations and government agencies around the world.
  • Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME): Canada's largest radio telescope, CHIME is a collaboration between the University of British Columbia, McGill University and the University of Toronto. Collecting radio emissions from the Universe between 400 and 800 MHz, it is designed to survey atomic hydrogen from the largest volume of the Universe to date.

To search for data products, use the Search for Data link at the left. More information about DRAO data, targets and publications are also available from the menu.

Credits and Acknowledgements

DRAO telescope and DRAO Science Archive users are requested to acknowledge the use of the DRAO facilities in their publications. The preferred form is a footnote to the author's byline, such as:

Based on observations obtained at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre, National Research Council of Canada.
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